The 21st Century Learning

7 Tips for Creating a 21st Century Learners

Constructivism…project-based instruction…inquiry….
Investigative learning inspires, engages, & motivates students to learn. 
Below, are some tips to promote learning inside & outside of the classroom.

  1. Encourage QUESTION ASKING then support students as they seek their own knowledge.
  2. Make CONNECTIONS Make sure students understand theRELEVANCE to the learning they are about to experience. Their attention & imagination needs to be captured! Their role in building the future needs to be addressed throughout their educational experience.
  3. Incorporate LIFE-LONG LEARNING SKILLS – Encourage creativity, collaboration, higher-order thinking, self-direction, …..& other 21st Century skills.
  4. DIFFERENTIATE INSTRUCTION – No two people learn alike or have the same strengths.
  5. Be a FACILITATOR rather than an instructor. In the 21stCentury interactive environment, teachers become “guides on the side”, ready to support student learning by creating an atmosphere that encourages learning by doing.
  6. Since learning takes place through social interaction, find a way to BUILD a LEARNING COMMUNITY, that includes all stakeholders, to surrounds the students with support. Remember the old saying, “It takes a village …” ? It truly does.
  7. Value alternatives to traditional forms/measures ofASSESSMENTSUse & value formative assessments as well as.